Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Well its been a crazy couple of days and its going to be a crazy couple of WEEKS!!! This past weekend I went down to Salt Lake and was able to watch Kennedy and Jack overnight so that Kimber could go to her friend Amy's bridalshower. I had a good time with them even though they went to bed real early so it was only like 20 minutes that I saw them!!! Then Saturday Donald and I met up with Brad and Katie Kuykendall and went to the BYU vs. SDSU game and the Cougs won 41-12.. The last minute or so of the game I started cheering for the other team just so that they would score (they were not going to win anyways) and if looks could kill I would be a couple of feet under ground!!! It was great and we laughed about it...

Now for these days I am just packing and packing... and MORE packing... I am moving out of my apartment next Friday so I don't have to pay another months rent and with Thanksgiving coming AND the U of U vs. BYU game we decided to move on the 21st... Hopefully I will have everything in boxes so that all we have to do is put it all in the U-Haul and away we go!!! Its crazy and I would be telling a story if I said that I wasn't almost going crazy because I really have nothing set up down in Salt Lake. I am still waiting to hear about a job and where to live, the only thing so far that I know is which classes I am taking and when school starts!!! AHHHH, I could go crazy in the next couple of days!!! Anyone have some ideas or girlfriends I could live with!!! :)


weloveadoption said...

we are going to miss you so much! I wish you the best at finding a place to stay down there. If you need any help moving let us know.

The Morgans said...

I hope you get everything all worked out in Salt Lake, and that you are happy! Do you know who all is going to be in town for Christmas? I think it would be fun if whoever is there all got together one night for dinner or something. Ok well happy packing and moving!