Thursday, May 1, 2008

My Birthday... :)

Well my family and friends are way to good to me is basically the conclusion that I came to today.... My sisters coming up yesterday and decorating my house and having presents for me this morning, and then the decorations and lunch I recieved today at work, ALONG with beautiful flowers I got from "My Secret Admirers"..and I do have to say that I was a little bit sad today when I looked outside and couldn't wear the skirt my Mom gave me because there was snow outside... BOOOOOOOOO.....Anyways-- here are some pictures of my house, the cake and the flowers I got!!!! I will post more later after I go to dinner tonight----

-- my Mimi Cake my sisters made me


Ryan & Amber said...

Your sisters are so sweet. That is so nice they did that for you.

The Morgans said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY AMANDA!!! Four years ago on your birthday we moved into Royal Crest! It seems like a long time ago! You are so lucky that your brother and sisters all live pretty close, I'm glad you had a great birthday!!!