Friday, October 24, 2008

My Parents...

I have the greatest parents in the world... They are so supportive and loving it just blows my mind sometime how great they are... I just thought I would share some reasons that I love them so much..

Reasons I love my mom:
*She is the smartest person I know
*She will do anything for anyone at anytime
*Her love of the gospel
*The way she dresses
*Her hugs
*Her love of her grandkids
*The way she loves Christmas
*Her wish that Santa really is real
*The hope to one day be Mrs. Clause
*She wears her emotions on her sleeve
*The fact that my dad is the LOVE of her life
*Her knowledge that we are a forever family
*Her Cooking
*They way she dealt with my brother dying
*She is my go-to gal

Reasons I love my Dad:
*He knows a little bit about ALOT of things
*They way he worries about me
*His love of the gospel
*When he is coaching out on the football field
*They way my mom is the LOVE of his life
*The advice he gives
*His ways that he is just like my grandpa
*The emotion that shows on his face
*His laugh
*The jokes he comes up with
*How hard he works
*When he squeezes his bum cheeks!
*The bond he has with his grandkids

No its not any special event-- I just wanted them to know how much I love them... There are tons more reasons and these are just a few of them!!!
Love ya!!


RonJohn said...

i second that motion! i love your parents too. they are great people and a big part of my life when i was growing up. you are a lucky gal.

Megan and Jon said...

Cute parents.
I kinda like Laney being gone you post alot more. I LIKE