Thursday, March 13, 2008

Back to the Old Grind.......

Well its back to the Old Grind for me.... Its actually really bitter sweet--- because El Paso is HOME and I love every minute of it and wish that I could move back because I would in a heart beat... It was really nice to be there with Jennise and Olivia we had a good time, and was really sad when we had to leave on Monday-- and yes we drove the whole way back on Monday and suprisingly only got pulled over once--- or should I say Jennise got pulled over!!! hahaha-- anyways it was great to be there and I miss it oh so much!!! But someone has to work and earn the money here so that would be ME.... Work work work--- thats about all I do these days!

I am also very VERY excited that The Hills is starting up again (March 24th for all you fans).... I can't wait.. Hooray!!!

I think he is pretty good looking-- To bad He and Lauren aren't an item!